Sunset High School, located in Dallas, Texas, is home to the Bisonettes. The Bisonettes are not only a talented group of dancers, but they also serve as ambassadors for the school and community.
Director Leah Longoria Huggins has been with Sunset High School for 14 years and has learned a lot during her time. A practice tip she suggests to other directors is planning the team schedule around your personal schedule. She is a dedicated director and loves inspiring her dancers to improve and grow. One of her favorite parts about being a director is getting to celebrate her dancer’s achievements.
Behind the scenes, the Sunset Bisonettes dedicate countless hours to rehearsals and practices to perfect their routines and ensure that they are always on top of their game. They are currently preparing to perform in Hawaii in March at Pearl Harbor with Summit Travel.
Sunset High School Bisonettes and Ms. Longoria Huggins show us that hard work and commitment go a long way. We can’t wait to see what they have in store next.
The dance team is wearing a dress from our Lyrical and Ballet section.